

Project 2


AS A director of a challenge-based weekly music group, I WANT to be able to run my group on a secure website that includes a database with a comment section. SO THAT users can upload their files and their peers can give constructive feedback.

THE SIGN UP PAGE will consist of two separate boxes. BOX ONE will be a paragraph introducing the intention of the website.. BOX TWO will be a registration form. A link for current users to sign in

The following paragraph is the introduction to the group:

“Welcome to Music Weekly! The goal here is to complete one song a week, submit it here, and then provide feedback for your fellow musicians! If one song a week is too strenuous, feel free to submit a song every other week - as long as you’re consistent! The song doesn’t have to be fully produced or the “standard” 3 - 4 minutes long. As long as you’re submitting something by the end of the week, we’re happy people! Feel free to set up your profile to let people know what type of music you write and what you hope to gain from this group!”

“We’re all here to practice and have fun. This is a forum for constructive critique, learning, experimenting, and improvement. “

“Feel free to comment any suggestions or ideas you might have as this is a group for the people! We want everyone to benefit from this as much as possible.”

“If anyone has any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out at!”

“Good luck and happy music making!”

Once you register you will be redirected into the site, landing on the Blog page with links to the rest of the site at the top of the page. UNDERNEATH the buttons there will be a section available for anyone to make posts. YOU SHOULD be able to comment on these posts. THE ADMIN (me) should be able to delete posts.

WHEN you click on the “CLASSROOM” button, it will lead you to another page. AT THE TOP of the page will be a title labelled “WEEKLY PROMPTS”. UNDERNEATH the title will be a list of all of the weekly prompts, as “Song #: [insert song prompt here] in order from newest to oldest. THE WEEKLY PROMPTS should be buttons that lead you to their individual page.

Each page will have links back to the other pages

Generate template for Members, weekly prompts,

Secure sign in User (admin) priveleges

DB Stucture

Table- Registration - id- (Primary key) Name - Username- Email- image_ref - About me - Password -

	title -
	comments -
	userid - foriegn key

Due Assignment - 9 days after creation date